We want you to have the feeling of sort of freely flowing in this, rather than the attitude of "I'm going to get it right this time." Because the attitude "I'm going to get it right this time" causes you to remember what wasn't right and activate it within your vibration and then makes sure that you do all those things again, that you don't want to do.
This seems incredibly important to me because it goes against what I once would have termed "human nature." I've always believed that the best thing about mistakes is that they give us an opportunity to learn from them. I've lived an incarnation where, if you had asked me, I would have said it was irresponsible to forget your mistakes. We've all heard that famous quote at one time, haven't we?
Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
Edmund Burke
There is an interesting counter quote by Kurt Vonnegut.
We're doomed to repeat the past no matter what. That's what it is to be alive.
Viewed in light of the Abraham-Hicks quote, perhaps we do all that repeating because we refuse to let the past go. In fact, in light of that quote, I wonder just how often we condemn ourselves to what we don't want by the very methods we utilize to improve our lives. For instance, New Year's Resolutions.
res-o-lu-tion: noun 1. the act of finding an answer or a solution to a conflict, problem, etc; the act of resolving something; 2. an answer or solution to something
New Year's Resolutions would seem to be the very heart of what the Abraham-Hicks quote is talking about. We are essentially ending our year by saying, "Ok I didn't like this and this and this about last year so I resolve to change them next year." From a Law of Attraction standpoint, it would be considered focusing on what you don't want and expecting to get something different. With that in mind, I would like to propose an alternate year end ritual celebrating our growth and achievements, jaw dropping moments of awe and beauty, and quiet moments of love and inspiration.
Here, let me lead by example. In other words, I'll go first.
In 2014, I:
1. ... more fully appreciated just how sweet my ginger cat, Peabody, is. I already knew that I was blessed with a creature who I sometimes wake up holding like he is a rag doll, only to hear him purring in appreciation. I am having some construction done at my house and, as a result, I only have a half bath currently in use. It is situated on the other end of my house from my bedroom. I didn't realize until having to walk through two of my larger rooms (one of which is currently under construction) to get to the toilet twice nightly, that Peabody, who tends to sleep next to me, actually accompanies me on every trip. Not only that, but he tends to lead me as if he is the President's motorcade. He walks ahead of me, looking back and checking on my progress every three feet or so. He waits patiently until I am done and then sometimes walks to where his food dish is or the spot where I tend to give him treats, but equally as often, he simply escorts me back to bed. My love and appreciation for this gentle sweet creature is absolutely limitless.
2. ... more fully appreciated the value of letting go. I had a saying painted over my kitchen door before it got demolished. "Don't push the river, it flows by itself." A former micro-manager of micro-managers, I put it there as a reminder of who I didn't want to be and what I didn't want to do. From making more money on a house I was selling than I would have on my own personal time frame to sorting out relationships where I was trying too hard, 2014 has repeatedly rewarded me as I have learned the patience, optimism and wisdom to let life unfold rather than force it through my planned circuits. At the same time, I have gained trust that even the events which look sad or regretful at the start, turn out to be blessings infused with opportunities for kindness and grace.
3. ... invested in myself and I was rewarded with wonderful new experiences, opportunities for growth, mentors who shared invaluable knowledge and friends who were kindred spirits.
4. ... discovered that we never really lose anyone. On paper, 2013 and 2014 witnessed me losing my final parent as well as friends I never expected to lose. I realized I lived in a world where, if I chose to view it that way, it could start feeling very cold and lonely. Instead, I found a wellspring of love and affection. I realized that, my experiences of other people actually live within me. My enjoyment and appreciation exists within my own heart and head and, really, are not something that can whither and die or be forcibly taken away from me. Loss does mean a certain closing of a book, for instance, the last time I saw my father, he was watching television from his convalescent hospital bed. The expression on his face was remarkably like that of a little boy. That will remain my last image of my father and we will not build any new memories together, but whenever I want to touch the love or kind feelings I have for my father, I have only to picture that 79-year-old boy, happily watching television as I left the room. I've learned too that it is a choice. Dwelling on any number of less kind or gentle moments, will never rewrite them. While sweet memories, held gently with love, can never be taken away from me. I can never lose the love in my heart.
5. .... appreciated friends who helped me clean up after an earthquake; who opened their tubs and showers to me while I had none; who welcomed me into their home for the holidays; or who sought out my company or advice. Old friendships, new friendships; I know I am enveloped with love and good wishes and I am truly blessed.
Thank you 2014, you have been a kind and gentle year with unexpected surprises. I'll never forget you.